Monday, August 2, 2010

The A team

I have just joined the 'A team'. This is a folksy group where everyone lists one item a Day for a month. This is suppose to help increase sales as it makes people more aware of your shop and everyone tweets and blogs and facebooks about everyone so increases everyone else's awareness as well......well thats at lease my perception of what happens.

I have quite a few different things made up at the moment so thought I would give it a go, I have nothing to loose really except some listing fees.

My first offering yesterday was a silver necklace, this was inspired by the ripples on saw in the water whilst watching little fishes on holiday, and today I listed a tiara that was inspired by my celtic roots. I am half welsh as I sometimes have the urge to delve into that welsh background for inspiration and this one one of those occasions.

Wish me luck and of course Buy Buy Buy.




  1. I joined too :) Now the challenge of managing to list it all!
    Good luck xxx

  2. I'm there too!! Love your necklace xx

  3. Gorgeous tiara and gorgeous necklace and welcome and good luck with the challenge!!

  4. Josh , My giveaway is now closed I will contact you if I do another one many thanks
