I have been
surprised recently by the price hike in our local charity shops. I am very lucky as where I work is only a few minutes away from 5 really good charity shops. So lunchtimes at least 2 times a week is spend trawling round them. I have noticed that prices have starting to rise over the last few months but its still a good buy and I can still get a
Last weeks however I needed a new handbag, I have been having shoulder problems and so wanted to get a small cross over the body bag to ease the strain. There were 2 I liked one was perfect for what I wanted but was a very bright colour and had a badly ripped lining, which I could have repaired, I was going to get it, to see what I could do, until I saw the £6.50 price tag, had it not been damaged that would have been
OK. But then I went next door and found a cord bag that was a bit tatty but not actually damaged but they wanted £8 for it. To some that may be a bargain, but when you consider that later that day I went to John Lewis and there was
several different bags in the sale for £10, then it seemed no so good. Also a friend at work had to buy a suitcase on the high street for £10 when the ones she went to see in our local
Charity shop were £7/8 and were not very pleasant at all.

I feel that they are no longer being realistic about there pricing.
Oxfam as ever is still good and obviously keep an eye on what is going on in the rest of the market place. But I think the others do need to be
careful that they don't loose customers or become unaffordable for those who can only afford to shop in Charity shops.